In Kellos, there is only one divine power the habitants worship: the god Viride. His name is in Latin, meaning "the god of green". His image is beautifully illustrated on all the walls of churches and monasteries. According to the detailed illustrations displayed in all Kellosi churches, Viride is portrayed as tall, muscular man with fawn hair and emerald green eyes, which symbolize royalty. He is portrayed wearing green garments and jewelry made out of emerald stones. To the Kellosi, Viride symbolizes fortune, virtue, life, energy, and spirit. Most habitants have an image of Viride in his or her homes for protection and spiritual vibes. As previously stated, the blue-eyed Kellosi have the task of being a priest, monk, or nun. They are in charge of establishing missionaries and spread the religion to new comers throughout the planet. Just like the crucifix is the symbol of the Catholic Church, the blue topaz mineral rock is the symbol of Kellosi religion. The Kellosi go to Church to touch these rocks because they free them of sins and grant them a spiritual life in contact with Viride. This is why the habitants that have blue-colored eyes are destined to be priests, monks, and nuns. It was previously stated that the number fifteen is the divine number of Kellos. In Kellosi religion, this pattern applies as well. In Kellosi religion, there are 15 sins, 15 virgins, and 15 saints they worship. Furthermore, every event (whether tragic or not) that occurs in Kellos is viewed as an omen given by Viride. The god usually sends warnings or alerts when something bad is going to happen. Those alerts can warn the Kellosi of an upcoming invasion, years of poor economy, times of starvation, an so on.