Basic Data
Among the other planets and stars in the Gamma Quadrant, planet Kellos, which is approximately 70,000 lightyears away from planet Earth, is the most distinguished due to its peculiar color and noticeably large size. The planet itself is green like an emerald, surrounded by a whole galaxy of stars. Furthermore, it can be said that this planet is very unique with characteristics not found on any other planet in the Gamma Quadrant. The most prominent characteristic of planet Kellos is that life around the planet centers around rocks and minerals. In fact, all of the planet's inhabitants, the Kellosi, evolved from different varieties of rocks and minerals and have different eye colors that represent specific minerals. Moreover, the planet is also distinguished by the importance of the number fifteen. Life on Kellos centers around this number, as it is the planet's divine number because there are fifteen full moons in one Kellosi year. The number fifteen marks the age of adulthood for the Kellosi, but it is also present in religion and seen in a pattern in the planet's seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. In religion, there are fifteen sins, fifteen saints, and fifteen virgins. Moreover, there are fifteen seconds in a minute, fifteen minutes in an hour, fifteen hours in a day, fifteen days in a week, fifteen weeks in a month, and fifteen months in a year. Every fifteen years, there is a celebration called "beatus quindecim" (happy fifteenth), where every fifteen years a different mineral is celebrated in the planet, which depends on the position of the sun and the moon at the time. There have been the quindecim of the emerald, the quindecim of the topaz, the quindecim of the ruby, and so on.