Ecosystems and Biomes ​
Agriculture is of important significance to the Kellosi. The biomes that occupy the majority of the planet are the desert biome and the grassland biome, which is perfect for farming. Kellos has only two seasons throughout the year: the rainy season and the dry season. The climate is mild year-round, ideal for farming crops and herbs. Therefore, the grey-eyed Kellosi work their best to farm as many crops to feed the vegetarian population during the dry season. Moreover, Kellos does not receive any other form of precipitation apart from rain. Compared to planet Earth, Kellos does not receive any snow nor hail. This is because the weather is mostly warm and fresh throughout the year. Furthermore, earthquakes are very rare in Kellos, and when they do occur it represents a bad omen sent by Veride (their god). The bad omen could foreshadow an foreign invasion, times of poor economy and trade, or even times of starvation and bad harvest. Nevertheless, these earthquakes have rarely occured but when they did occur it was a major alert for the habitants of Kellos. Moreover, rivers are a very important geographical feature in Kellos. There are four major rivers in Kellos, all which have various purposes and provide benefits for the civilization. The rivers are: aquilonem fluminis (north river), magnum flumen (big river), fluminis ad meridiem (south river) and parum fluvius (small river). Not only do the Kellosi drink water from these rivers, but they also used them for agriculture (task of grey-eyed Kellosi) and collecting important mineral rocks (task of hazel-eyed Kellosi). The significance of these rivers motivate the Kellosi to keep the rivers clean and healthy. Overall, it can be said that the planet has a healthy, clean environment and a decent climate, which makes it the ideal planet for the Kellosi to live in.