In Kellos, the native language spoken is Kel, a dialect infused with pure Latin and Italian. During the past years there have been many newcomers settling in Kellos, and as a result other dialects have developed amongst the population (depending on the sector of the planet). Yet, the Kellosi must learn to speak and write Kel at a young age, as it is the planet's official language. The Kellosi enjoy writing and reading literature in Kel language in their free time, and also composing beautiful songs in the language as well. The Kel language is distinct and unique from the neighboring planets in the Gamma Quadrant because the phonetics and accent are pleasing to hear. In other words, it is a beautiful language that the habitants of the neighboring planets strive to learn and understand. The Kellosi are known to be fast and fluent speakers of the language, which makes it hard for non-native habitants to learn the language.
Speaking Kel is not the only form of communication the habitants of Kellos have. Besides verbal and written communication, the Kellosi communicate in sign language as well. Yet, this type of communication is exclusively for the royalty and upper class of society. In other words, only the habitants that have emerald, green eyes are taught the exclusive language in the royal palace. The purpose of communicating in sign language is that the royalty is able to communicate with hand gestures, that only they understand, during times of crisis or when making decisions (so that their ideas and plans do not reach the ears of the enemy).
As previously stated, the grey-eyed habitants are very important to Kellosi society. Besides being responsible for feeding the large population and keeping the economy stable, this group is in charge of communicating with other planets (in order to trade the planet's precious stones for money and resources not available on the planet). Although Kel is a unique dialect spoken exclusively in Kellos, the Kellosi communicate in pure Latin with the other planets in the Gamma Quadrant. Yet, the king and the queen of Kellos have the obligation of learning the languages and dialects of the neighboring planets in order to achieve successful, fluent communication with the kings and queens of the other planets.