My name is Maria Grazia and I belong to the Infinity Knights of the Artemis Charger. I am fifteen years old and I was born and raised in planet Earth. I live with my mother, my father, and my sister. My father is an archaeologist and my mother a scientist. They both used to serve in the Infinity Knights army as well. My sister, Maria Victoria, is eleven years old and we both share the same passion for science. Our passion for science developed since we were just toddlers, thanks to our parents’ influence. We used to go over to my father’s laboratory and my mother’s science classroom, watching their experiments and hearing them talk about all kinds of topics. Around the age of six, I really began getting interested in fossils, minerals, and rocks. I would visit museums with my parents and learn about all the types of mineral rocks in planet Earth. I was also inclined to learn about the other types of rocks and minerals in the moon and in the other planets of the galaxy. I began taking courses in my free time to learn more about this subject that interested me so much, and one day my parents let me begin working in their laboratory as well. Meanwhile we all worked, my parents also told stories about their days serving in the Infinity Knights army and their journey through the galaxy. These stories were full of adventure! I loved hearing about the different cultures and habitants of the many planets in the galaxy, and I wished to become part of the Infinity Knights army just like my parents! It was then clear to me that I wanted to travel to the galaxy and explore the planets, discovering new cultures and sciences. One day in the lab, my parents received the news of the new leaders of a planet named Kellos, located deep in the Gamma Quadrant of the galaxy. Since I had no knowledge of such planet, I began studying the planet, its people, the environment, and the culture. I was really interested in this planet, since it was quite peculiar with an interesting twist. What made this planet so unique and different from the other planets I had studied was that the planet had everything to do with rocks and minerals, my absolutely favorite subject of science! I could not stop talking about this planet, and I truly wished to visit it. I had already made up a plan, which was to enroll in the Infinity Knights army in order to travel to the galaxy and have the chance to work in Kellos. I consulted my plan with my parents and they agreed to let me enroll when I turned fifteen years old. After I signed up for the army, I waited months for a response but I had hope that I would be selected. Finally, the day had come. About a year ago, I was called to serve for the Infinity Knights, and it was an honor to be part of such prestigious galactic army. I was sent for surveillance in the Gamma Quadrant, and my duty was to spend a month on every planet of the sector and study the living conditions and keep the peace. Every planet I visited had a unique characteristic: environment (sciences), culture, habitants, aliment, or mystic creatures. I really enjoyed exploring all the different planets and at the same time serving as a Knight. In my free time, when I was not in vigil watch, I used to explore and study the environment of the planets. I took notes of the various places I visited to take home to my dear parents and sister. When it was my turn to vigil planet Kellos, I immediately fell in love with the planet. As I previously stated, I have a passion for the sciences, especially rocks and minerals. To me, Kellos was the ideal planet because life in the planet centered around rocks and minerals. Not only did the habitants evolve from mineral rocks, but they also have unique eye colors that represent a certain type of mineral. Moreover, I felt intrigued by the fact that the divine number of the planet is fifteen. It was really interesting how everything had a certain pattern having to do with the number fifteen: the number of days in a week, the number of weeks in a month, and so on. The age of fifteen is an important age to the Kellosi; there are big celebrations held to celebrate adulthood and independence. My timing was perfect because when I had duty in Kellos, I had just turned fifteen years old, and so I could understand clearly this aspect of the Kellosi culture. Furthermore, when I arrived, I was sent to live in this beautiful hut made out of purple mineral rock. I had never seen such architectural wonder! My kind Kellosi neighbors explained to me that my hut was purple because the color was exclusively assigned to warriors. I could then understand why the Kellosi warriors all have purple eye color! Furthermore, whenever I had free time, my neighbors took me to mineral sites and caves to observe the different types of minerals the planet offers. In addition, they gave me samples of all types of mineral rocks so I could take home. My favorite rocks were the blue topaz, the emerald, and the ruby. I knew my parents would be excited when I bring them home. Overall, I really enjoyed the month I spent in Kellos. Although I was mostly working and on vigil duty, I did get the chance to meet the habitants and learn about the culture. I even got my own personal Draco, a Kellosi mystical dragon. I did not want to leave the planet, but I knew I had to fulfill my duty as an Infinity Knight. Although I did enjoy serving duty in other planets afterwards, I knew I had to return to Kellos one day. Serving in the Infinity Knights army has taught me so many lessons. I have learned to be brave, hardworking, focused, and strategic. It has made me a different person, after seeing all sorts of problems and people in the other planets of the galaxy. When my duty ends in a year, I will definitely enroll again when I am older, because once you become an Infinity Knight, you are always in Infinity Knight.